
Dr. Moss Linder Named Family Physician of the Year

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Grace Cottage Family Health & Hospital is proud to announce that Dr. Moss Linder, who has been practicing at Grace Cottage since 1997, has been chosen by his peers in the Vermont Academy of Family Physicians (VTAFP) as the 2020 Family Physician of The Year. The award will be officially presented on Saturday, November 7.


CEO Coronavirus Update – October 6, 2020

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It’s very hard to believe that my last Message to the Community was written and sent more than two months ago; July 21st seems like it was eons ago in some respects, and like yesterday in others. If you’re like me, you take a deep breath before you look at the news in the morning; are we on a roller coaster or in spinning tea cups today? I don’t mean to imply that what our nation is going through should be taken lightly, but 2020 has certainly turned out to be a year that none of us will ever forget, for so many reasons.

This virus knows no boundaries and what we’ve learned is that the advice given from the very beginning of this pandemic continues to hold true – mask wearing, handwashing, and social distancing continue to be our most powerful weapons in the fight against coronavirus, at least until a vaccine is developed and widely distributed.


Flu Shots Available At Grace Cottage

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Grace Cottage Family Health will be offering a flu vaccine clinic on Saturday, Sept. 26, from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon. No advance appointment is needed; walk-ins are welcome. You do not […]


Yes, Get Your Flu Shot!

| Graceful Health

With all of the well-founded attention on COVID-19 over the past 6 months, it is important that as a community we not forget about seasonal influenza. Influenza is an acute […]


Why is It Important to Immunize My Child?

| Graceful Health

Measles. Mumps. Polio. Diphtheria. Chicken Pox. If you can’t remember what problems these diseases cause, you can thank immunizations. Writing for the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Dr. Stanley Plotkin wrote that, “One of the brightest chapters in the history of science is the impact of vaccines on human longevity and health.” Dr. Plotkin is an expert who helped to develop vaccines for polio and rubella (also known as German measles).


CEO Coronavirus Update – July 21, 2020

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It’s been almost two months since my last Message to the Community and I’d like to bring you up to date on what’s been going on at Grace Cottage during that time. We are fully open for business, and are pleased that we have played a part in keeping our community as safe as possible. Vermont is the first state to report no new COVID-19 deaths since June 16. We have certainly flattened the curve and hope to continue this trend.