Support Us

We are the small hospital with the big heart! Our size is a big asset because it allows us to provide high quality health care with a personal touch.

At Grace Cottage, your contribution has a tangible impact on the care of our patients. Your generosity really makes a difference to all the patients that we serve. While other small, rural hospitals have been forced to close due to financial shortfalls, prudent management and your gifts have enabled Grace Cottage to thrive!

Ways to Give

Volunteer – Gifts of Time

Donor Stories

Financial Gifts:

Online giving is a simple, secure way to make a credit card gift. We can accept Discover, American Express, Visa, or MasterCard.

Call Us With Your Credit Card

Call us at (802) 365-9109 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday-Friday to make a gift with your Discover, American Express, Visa, or MasterCard.

By Check

Checks can be made out to “Grace Cottage Hospital” and mailed to:
Grace Cottage Foundation, P.O. Box 1, Townshend, VT 05353.

Matching Gifts

Does your employer match employee or retiree contributions? If so, that makes your gift go even further. Some employers will also financially match volunteer hours, so be sure to ask.


Grace Cottage also accepts gifts of stocks or bonds. Donors can choose named gifts, such as a room, a building, an endowed program, a tree, or rose bush. To discuss your gift to Grace Cottage, please contact Andrea or Charma at (802) 365-9109 or via email at

Wish List

Would you like your donation to go to a specific item for patient care at Grace Cottage? View this Wish List and then call Andrea, Charma, or C.J. at (802) 365-9109 or e-mail

Memorial and Tribute Gifts

Memorial and Tribute Gifts are a wonderful way to celebrate an occasion, honor a friend, or remember a loved one.

Grace Cottage Hospital is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) charitable institution. Your gift is tax-deductible to the extent the law allows.