Graston Technique: Faster Healing for Soft Tissue Injuries

Graston Technique Therapy. The name may sound funny, but this tool-assisted manual therapy does wonders for those with soft tissue injuries like sprains, fibromyalgia, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel, shin splints, and plantar fasciitis, to name a few.

Backed by over 20 years of research and clinical use, Graston Technique therapy is used by over 250 professional and amateur sports teams. Now you can benefit from it too. Grace Cottage’s Outpatient Rehabilitation Department offers Graston Technique.

Graston Technique can help to speed up healing, while reducing the need for pain medications.

Here’s what one patient had to say about Graston Technique therapy:

“My first experience with the Graston Technique was excellent. The kink between my shoulders was gone after about six treatments. It didn’t hurt at all! Graston Technique is a great addition to Grace Cottage’s rehabilitation services.” — Anita Rafael, Wardsboro, VT

As with all rehabilitation services, you will need a written referral. Ask your physician or primary care provider to refer you to Grace Cottage Rehabilitation Services for an initial evaluation. We can receive referrals in person or via fax. Once you have your referral, call us to schedule your evaluation. Once evaluated, your therapist will recommend a series of appointments. While ultimately your responsibility to confirm your insurance coverage, we will gladly assist you in understanding your coverage as best we can.

For more information about Graston Technique, click here.

To schedule an appointment, call 802-365-3637.