COVID-19 and HIPAA at Grace Cottage

In light of the recent pandemic of novel coronavirus (COVID-19), Grace Cottage Family Health & Hospital has received inquiries about patients that have been tested for coronavirus within our community. While it is understandable that people want this information to protect themselves and their families, Grace Cottage is unable to disclose any protected health information (PHI) regarding any patient care or treatment.


CEO Coronavirus Update – March 17, 2020

Dear Grace Cottage Community Members, I am writing to inform you about Grace Cottage Family Health & Hospital’s preparedness for and response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Our highest priority is […]


Grace Cottage Family Health & Hospital Prepares for COVID-19

Grace Cottage Family Health & Hospital has had plans in place since January to address the situation if the novel coronavirus, known as COVID-19, becomes widespread in this area. Initial preparation began in late January with signage about this new coronavirus at all entrances on our campus. Using CDC standards, Grace Cottage also developed and implemented a protocol to screen patients based on their symptoms and travel history. Grace Cottage’s COVID-19 strategy includes staff training with prompt, regular updates dictated by the changing nature of this crisis.


Best Hand Wins at October 16th Poker Walk

The Grace Cottage Rehabilitation Department is celebrating National Physical Therapy Month by hosting its 21st Annual Poker Walk on Wednesday, October 16th. This free, fun, two-mile walk/run is held each […]


Healthy Aging Educational Series Offered

Deborah Brown

Every other Tuesday, from October 1 to November 26, Grace Cottage Hospital is offering a free, five-session Healthy Aging educational series for women 50+. The informal meetings, held from 10:00 […]


Fall Fitness Classes at Grace Cottage

Starting after Labor Day, Grace Cottage will offer a variety of wellness classes for a range of fitness levels and personal preferences. Class choices are yoga, tai chi, and Strong […]