
Giving Joy

| Donor Stories

Thanks to the generosity of Elaine Lambert & John Klein of Newfane, a beautiful sculpture, La Gioia (“Joy” in Italian), has been installed in Grace Cottage’s Hospice Garden to honor Grace Cottage employees.


CEO Coronavirus Update – Sep 14, 2021

| News
Doug DiVello

COVID-19: Unfortunately, the number of COVID-19 cases in Vermont continues to increase rather than decrease because of the Delta variant. In Windham County, 170 new cases of COVID-19 have been […]


Why is Everyone Talking About Health Equity?

| Featured, Graceful Health, News
Summer Burch, Certified Family Nurse Practitioner

The CDC says that health equity is the opportunity to attain our “full health potential” because barriers and disadvantages due to social position or other circumstances are solved. Here at Grace Cottage, we have been looking at these barriers, finding ways to improve the care we deliver, and improving equal access to quality care.


What You Need to Know About Ticks!

| Featured, Graceful Health, News
Phil Schafer

Woodchuck ticks? Squirrel ticks? Brown dog tick? Blacklegged tick? Vermont has at least 14 different species of ticks, but over 99% of all tickborne diseases are caused by the blacklegged tick. Vermont ranks high for cases of both Lyme Disease and anaplasmosis, the two most common tickborne diseases.


Social Determinants of Health

| Featured, Graceful Health
Jeremy Morrison, MD

In the last thirty years, more and more evidence has piled up showing that some aspects of social and economic status are risk factors as important to illness and mortality as traditional villains like smoking or genetics. The common terminology for these is “social determinants of health.”


CEO Coronavirus Update – May 19, 2021

| News

Finally, the good news we all need: after a difficult year, it appears that the U.S. pandemic may be turning a corner. Below are six reports with statistics that show that progress is being made against COVID-19.