Healthcare Matters: Ep 3 – Women’s Health Screenings

Marty Cohn hosts episode three of Grace Cottage Hospital’s Healthcare Matters, discussing women’s health screening for breast and cervical cancer, as well as osteoporosis, with guests Dr. Ewa Arnold, a primary care provider at Grace Cottage Family Health and Emma Higley, Diagnostic Imaging Manager at Grace Cottage Hospital.


Fall Wellness Classes at Grace Cottage

Making time to exercise and participate in healthy activities is vitally important to your health! Benefits may include improved muscle tone, better balance, increased confidence, reduced stress, better sleep, more […]


Tomatoes Wanted!

Attention gardeners: how are your tomatoes doing? If you have more tomatoes than you need this year, please consider donating some to the “Ton of Tomatoes” project, which is bringing […]


Healthcare Matters: Ep 2 – Back to School

Healthcare Matters: Ep 2 - Back to School

Join Healthcare Matters host Marty Cohn as he kicks of the second episode of Grace Cottage’s monthly show on health-related topics with this ‘Back to School’ edition.

In the first half learn more about how to recognize children with sensory processing challenges and fine motor coordination difficulties and learn what you can do to help with Grace Cottage Pediatric Occupational Therapist Melinda Roy (MSOT).

In the second half join Liz Harrison (CCN), a Health Coach on the Grace Cottage Community Health Team, as she talks about the dos and don’ts of nutrition as kids start the school year up again.


Celebrating summer with a pair of fairs

Reporter Harmony Birch’s article on the 67th Annual Grace Cotttage Hospital Fair Day

WINDHAM COUNTY — The stormy weather didn’t stop Windham County residents from enjoying two August traditions: Grace Cottage Fair Day and Rockingham Old Home Days. Locals from the Townshend and Rockingham areas marched their brightly colored umbrellas to the respective downtown areas, determined to have fun.

Grace Cottage Fair Day started in 1950, a year after the hospital opened, according to Andrea Seaton, director of Grace Cottage Foundation’s Office of Community Relations. The fair is used every year to raise money for Grace Cottage Hospital’s general operating budget. This year was more critical, however, because the money raised will be used to fund a new heating system to replace one that is old and “beyond repair,” said Jacki Brown, the marketing administrator at Grace Cottage. The best option the hospital could find was $542,000, she said. The money is being raised through donations, grants and the fair.


Departing CEO sees future for small hospitals

Reporter Mike Faher interviews Grace Cottage CEO Roger Allbee upon Allbee’s announcement of his forthcoming retirement:

In early 2014, Roger Allbee set aside the issue he knew best — agriculture — to become the top administrator of Vermont’s smallest hospital. It has been, he says, “a learning experience.” Last week, as Allbee announced his retirement from Grace Cottage Hospital in Townshend, he said he’s become well acquainted with the regulatory and financial problems rural hospitals face. But he’s also convinced there’s still a place for a small, independent hospital that’s focused on community health care.


Healthcare Matters: Ep 1 – Roger Allbee, CEO and Jorda Daignault, FNP

Healthcare Matters

Join Healthcare Matters host Marty Cohn for this debut episode from Grace Cottage Family Health & Hospital, with CEO Roger Allbee and Nurse Practitioner Jorda Daigneault serving as the first guests.

Allbee talks about what it means to be a Critical Access Hospital and a Patient Centered Medical Home. Daignault gives advice about dealing with ticks and associated diseases like Lyme Disease.


Tomatoes Wanted!

Attention gardeners: we need tomatoes! The “Ton of Tomatoes” project aims to bring local, nutritious food to area residents who are in need by collecting tomatoes during the growing season, […]