What You Need to Know About Ticks!

Phil Schafer

Woodchuck ticks? Squirrel ticks? Brown dog tick? Blacklegged tick? Vermont has at least 14 different species of ticks, but over 99% of all tickborne diseases are caused by the blacklegged tick. Vermont ranks high for cases of both Lyme Disease and anaplasmosis, the two most common tickborne diseases.


CEO Coronavirus Update – May 19, 2021

Finally, the good news we all need: after a difficult year, it appears that the U.S. pandemic may be turning a corner. Below are six reports with statistics that show that progress is being made against COVID-19.


Long COVID – A Patient’s Story

As a fellow COVID survivor, I want others experiencing Long COVID to know: We’re in the early stages of learning about this. You are not imagining this. Your experience is legitimate. You are not alone.


CEO Coronavirus Update – April 13, 2021

As I reflect back on what was happening at this time last year, I am incredulous at the progress we’ve made in the battle against COVID-19. We first learned of the virus in China in December 2019, it came to the U.S. in January 2020, and by mid-March 2020, the world was shutting down in an effort to quell transmission of the virus. A year ago, none of us had any idea what lay in store, and the prevailing mood was fear and uncertainty. Now, just 13 months later, almost 20% of the U.S. population has been fully vaccinated with Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, or Johnson & Johnson vaccines.


Help Us Survey Your Health Needs

Windham County residents are encouraged to take a brief survey to share what they consider their most pressing healthcare needs and concerns. It is available online at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/WindhamCountyCHNA.


CEO Coronavirus Update – March 16, 2021

Although springtime is slow to arrive in Vermont, as always, there is a definite spring in our steps here at Grace Cottage as we continue to vaccinate 350-400 people per week in our COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic (also known as the Community Wellness Building, which continues to be an appropriate name for the building’s current use).


Advanced Directives: Honoring Your Wishes

Timothy Shafer

I would like to discuss a topic that is always important but especially now, in these sobering times when we are more aware of mortality. If you have not already done so, I urge you to complete an Advanced Directives for Healthcare, sometimes called a Living Will.


CEO Coronavirus Update – February 9, 2021

We are delighted to be administering first doses of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine for anyone age 75 and older who lives, works, or accesses primary care in Vermont. We are providing second doses for group 1A today (healthcare providers and first-responders), and we begin vaccinating the general public, age 75 and up, tomorrow. If you know of someone in this age category in our area who hasn’t yet received their first dose, please encourage them to call 855-722-7878 or go to the Vermont Department of Health’s website to schedule an appointment at Grace Cottage.