CEO Coronavirus Update – January 11, 2022

Many of us think of a new year as a new beginning – an opportunity to wipe the slate clean and to start fresh. As we bid farewell (not a fond one) to 2021, we’d optimistically (and, yes, naively) hoped that 2022 would be better and that we could put COVID in the rear-view mirror. I continue to be optimistic that 2022 WILL be a better year in terms of the pandemic. I have been told that I am someone who looks at the glass as being half full rather than half empty, but I really do think that things will improve by springtime. Here’s what we have going for us, in the fight against COVID.


Indulge in Moderation

Don’t demonize any food groups. You can indulge a bit, but do it mindfully. Moderation has always been the key!


CEO Coronavirus Update – December 14, 2021

I don’t think any of us here in Vermont ever expected that we would become a COVID-19 hot spot in the U.S., nor that we would remain in this status for so many weeks. I remember back in the spring of 2020, when we reacted with alarm that the number of new cases in the state was exceeding 100 per day. Here we are, 18 months later, with new case counts as high as 740 per day in Vermont. Why is our rate of infection so high?


Primary Care, ER, or Urgent Care?

How do you know when it’s time to go to the hospital Emergency Department versus an Urgent Care Center or to your Family Practitioner? We work in the Grace Cottage Emergency Department and at Grace Cottage Family Health, so together, we have good insights to help patients decide the best place to go for healthcare.


CEO Coronavirus Update – November 16, 2021

Vermont has been receiving a great deal of attention in the news these days, and not just because of Patrick Lahey’s announcement that he won’t be running for the Senate in 2022. There have been shifts regarding COVID-19 case rates, exposure / quarantining / testing standards, and treatment, so this seems like a good time to review the current COVID-19 situation in Vermont, and to put things into perspective.


Drug Take Back – Keeping Us Safe

Dispose of unneeded medications safely by bringing them to the Messenger Valley Pharmacy’s PharmaDrop, or find another drug take-back location in Vermont by visiting the website


‘Age-Friendly’ Health Care

Ronald Vallario

Older adults have unique healthcare needs. Grace Cottage Family Health & Hospital has been nationally recognized for its as “Age-Friendly” healthcare.


CEO Coronavirus Update – Sep 14, 2021

Doug DiVello

COVID-19: Unfortunately, the number of COVID-19 cases in Vermont continues to increase rather than decrease because of the Delta variant. In Windham County, 170 new cases of COVID-19 have been […]


Why is Everyone Talking About Health Equity?

Summer Burch, Certified Family Nurse Practitioner

The CDC says that health equity is the opportunity to attain our “full health potential” because barriers and disadvantages due to social position or other circumstances are solved. Here at Grace Cottage, we have been looking at these barriers, finding ways to improve the care we deliver, and improving equal access to quality care.