Grace Cottage is offering a free support group for community members dealing with cancer. The eight-week group begins Monday, Oct. 17, meeting from 1 to 2:30 p.m. in the Grace […]
Read More...Grace Cottage is offering a free support group for community members dealing with cancer. The eight-week group begins Monday, Oct. 17, meeting from 1 to 2:30 p.m. in the Grace […]
Read More...By Jen Studin and Melinda Roy, Grace Cottage Pediatric OTs
The word “occupational” might lead you to think that Occupational Therapy (OT) is job-related, but really, it’s much more than that. And when it comes to kids, OT is not focused on work at all — unless you consider it work for kids to learn to play, to take care of themselves, and to develop social skills.
OT helps people of all ages to attain and refine the skills they need to participate in daily life: things they need to do to take care of themselves, and things they do for enjoyment. Pediatric OT focuses on skills required to play, bathe and dress, interact with peers, and fulfill student and family responsibilities.
Read More...By Bruce Sweeter, Grace Cottage Clinical Analyst
Got a question for your doctor in the middle of the night, and afraid you’ll forget it by morning? No problem. Grace Cottage has an app for that.
This new feature is now part of “Grace Cottage Connections,” the HIPPA-secure patient portal that connects Grace Cottage’s medical providers with their patients.
The app works with Android and ISO-based devices. Once it’s loaded onto your phone or tablet, your health information and the direct messaging system to and from your care team are always available.
Read More...By Natalie Harding, Grace Cottage Hospital PA-C
It might seem like just another chore on the back-to-school task list, but there are plenty of good reasons why your child’s required yearly physical is a wise investment.
Children with chronic health challenges like asthma, allergies, or diabetes obviously need to be watched closely for any changes in their conditions, but “well” kids need watching too. The yearly physical provides a structure for regular check-ups to ensure that your child is developing normally.
Read More...By John Kim, PharmD
If you or a family member has been recently diagnosed with irregular heartbeat (atrial fibrillation) or a blood clot, your doctor may prescribe a medication called warfarin and refer you to a warfarin clinic.
What is warfarin, you might ask? It is a medication classified as an oral anticoagulant (often called a blood thinner) used to treat and prevent blood clots.
Read More...Behavioral Health Specialist Caroline Chase is now working full-time at Grace Cottage Family Health in Townshend, VT. A member of the Grace Cottage Community Health Team (CHT), her short-term counseling services are offered to the community free of charge, as are those of the other CHT members, which include two RN Care Coordinators, two Health Coaches, and a Diabetes Educator.
Chase is a licensed Mental Health Counselor. A practicing psychotherapist for the past 34 years, she works with adults, children, couples, and families.
Read More...By Danny Ballentine, Grace Cottage Emergency Department Physician Assistant
If you grew up in this country, you’ve probably somewhat familiar with our three most common poisonous plants: poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac. We don’t have to worry about poison oak in the Northeast, as it generally grows only in the Southeast and along the West Coast. But poison sumac and poison ivy are both native here, so they are definitely plants to look for and to avoid.
Read More...Grace Cottage is hosting a Living Alone Support Group, meeting the third Wednesday of every month. Support group meetings will include an informal group discussion on the challenges of living alone. Topics […]
Read More...Come to the Grace Cottage Community Wellness Center in Townshend, VT, on Wednesday, July 20, to learn more about preventing Lyme disease and anaplasmosis. Disease-carrying ticks are tiny but mighty […]
Read More...By Bill Monahan, Grace Cottage Community Health Team RN Outreach Coordinator as originally appeared in the Brattleboro Reformer’s Graceful Health series, July 1, 2016 When applied properly, any well-proven equation […]