Foods that Love Your Heart

Jim Picone, PA-C

During February, we naturally think of hearts because of Valentine’s Day. Building on that theme, February is also American Heart Month, a time to focus on heart-healthy habits.


Caring for the Caregiver

Claire Bemis

By Claire Bemis, RN, Grace Cottage Care Coordinator A caregiver is defined as a paid or unpaid member of a person’s social network who helps that person with activities of […]


Primary Care, ER, or Urgent Care?

How do you know when it’s time to go to the hospital Emergency Department versus an Urgent Care Center or to your Family Practitioner? We work in the Grace Cottage Emergency Department and at Grace Cottage Family Health, so together, we have good insights to help patients decide the best place to go for healthcare.


Drug Take Back – Keeping Us Safe

Dispose of unneeded medications safely by bringing them to the Messenger Valley Pharmacy’s PharmaDrop, or find another drug take-back location in Vermont by visiting the website


‘Age-Friendly’ Health Care

Ronald Vallario

Older adults have unique healthcare needs. Grace Cottage Family Health & Hospital has been nationally recognized for its as “Age-Friendly” healthcare.


Why is Everyone Talking About Health Equity?

Summer Burch, Certified Family Nurse Practitioner

The CDC says that health equity is the opportunity to attain our “full health potential” because barriers and disadvantages due to social position or other circumstances are solved. Here at Grace Cottage, we have been looking at these barriers, finding ways to improve the care we deliver, and improving equal access to quality care.


What You Need to Know About Ticks!

Phil Schafer

Woodchuck ticks? Squirrel ticks? Brown dog tick? Blacklegged tick? Vermont has at least 14 different species of ticks, but over 99% of all tickborne diseases are caused by the blacklegged tick. Vermont ranks high for cases of both Lyme Disease and anaplasmosis, the two most common tickborne diseases.


Social Determinants of Health

Jeremy Morrison, MD

In the last thirty years, more and more evidence has piled up showing that some aspects of social and economic status are risk factors as important to illness and mortality as traditional villains like smoking or genetics. The common terminology for these is “social determinants of health.”


Long COVID – A Patient’s Story

As a fellow COVID survivor, I want others experiencing Long COVID to know: We’re in the early stages of learning about this. You are not imagining this. Your experience is legitimate. You are not alone.