Bone Density and the Silent Disease

Ewa Arnold

Osteoporosis can severely disrupt your quality of life. Early screening can help to ensure that you can keep up with the activities you are accustomed to doing, leading to a longer, healthier, happier life!


Donate Life – Donate Blood

Timothy Shafer

What can you do this month that is an act of pure generosity, profoundly helps another human being, engages you in an ongoing community ritual of life saving altruism, is free, easy, and even good for your health? The answer is easy….. Give blood!


Heart Attack Signs Can Vary

Jennifer Zweig, DO

Heart attacks are the number 1 killer of both men and women. Knowing the symptoms of a heart attack, as well as knowing your own risk, could save your life.


Help for SAD

Elise Kraus

Depression is not a sign of weakness! Do not walk the road alone. Open up to your support systems and please seek help if you need it.


Enjoy Healthy Holiday Eating

Peg Canal

Enjoying a holiday meal doesn’t have to wreck your health plan. With some advance planning, you can find a balance and enjoy the holiday festivities while maintaining your health goals.


Some Tips for a Safe and Fun Halloween

Phil Schafer

Halloween can be a very fun and festive occasion. Unfortunately, Halloween can also come with injuries and illness that can ruin the fun. While we can’t offer useful tips for an encounter with the Headless Horseman, a few useful “tricks” can lessen the chance of you or a loved one suffering one of these common mishaps!


How is Mold Affecting Your Health?

Jeremy Morrison

This has been a difficult summer for people with allergies. Between the heavy rains, heat, and wildfire smoke, it seems like some folks can’t catch a break. Now that the days carry a crispness of autumn, some of this will subside. The rains and flooding may have left you a legacy though – household mold.