Since opening in 1949, Grace Cottage has relied on the goodwill and philanthropy of the community to sustain its mission of providing health care in the West River Valley. For nearly fifty years, this support came about through community driven fundraising at events like Hospital Fair Day as well as through the generosity of individual donors who believed in Dr. Otis’s vision.
In 1994, Grace Cottage Foundation was created specifically to raise funds for the hospital and family health clinic. Now a department within Grace Cottage, Grace Cottage Foundation’s mission is to secure the present and future of Grace Cottage through fundraising, communication, and participation. Working with numerous volunteers, the Foundation Office organizes fun, annual events such as the Spring Into Health 5K, the Tee It Up for Health golf benefit, and Hospital Fair Day.
The Foundation Office also serves as the Media Relations contact for Grace Cottage.
Please contact any member of the Foundation team to learn how you can be more involved or to answer any questions. You can find us in the Wolff Building at 185 Grafton Road, Townshend, or contact us here.