Living Alone Support Group

Living Alone

Grace Cottage is hosting a Living Alone Support Group, meeting the third Wednesday of every month. Support group meetings will include an informal group discussion on the challenges of living alone. Topics […]


July 20: Lyme Disease Prevention Event

Be Tick Smart

Come to the Grace Cottage Community Wellness Center in Townshend, VT, on Wednesday, July 20, to learn more about preventing Lyme disease and anaplasmosis. Disease-carrying ticks are tiny but mighty […]


Happy Father’s (Health) Day

By Bill Monahan, Grace Cottage Community Health Team RN Outreach Coordinator as originally appeared in the Brattleboro Reformer’s Graceful Health series, June 17, 2016 The author Ken Nerburn once said, […]


Bone Density Testing: Not Just for Women

By Angie Clark, Grace Cottage Hospital Director of Diagnostic Imaging
as originally appeared in the Brattleboro Reformer’s Graceful Health series, June 3, 2016

The latest news to come out regarding osteoporosis is that testing for men tends to fall through the cracks.

While women’s bone health is often followed closely by their primary care and ob-gyn providers, men aren’t as likely to get regular check-ups or to be referred for bone density testing when it is needed.


Your Summer Camp Health-Wise To-Do List

By Dr. Elizabeth Linder, Grace Cottage Pediatrician
as originally appeared in the Brattleboro Reformer’s Graceful Health series, May 6, 2016

Sleeping bag? Check. Bathing suit? Check. Sunscreen? Check. T-shirts and jeans? Check. What else do you need to be ready for your kids’ summer camp? Whether they are headed to day camp or away camp, here are some tips to make sure they stay safe and healthy.


Stress Does Not Have to be a Way of Life

By Caroline Chase, Grace Cottage Behavioral Health Specialist, as originally appeared in the April 22, 2016 Brattleboro Reformer’s “Graceful Health” column. When I was asked to write an article on stress, […]