Wellness Programs

Wellness Classes & Support Groups

Wellness is a lifestyle, a way of living that encourages good physical and mental health. Grace Cottage offers several wellness programs that can enhance your life!

All programs are now offered free of charge.

Details are below. Come and join us!

IMPORTANT – CLASS Location change: Starting June 17, all Grace Cottage wellness classes are held on the enclosed West Crispe porch, next to the cafeteria. Please come to the garden door entrance (not the main entrance) and the instructor will let you in. The one exception is the Alzheimer’s Caregiver Support Group (see below). It will meet on the East Crispe Porch.

PLEASE PRE-REGISTER: Prior to attending any class or workshop for the first time, please call 802-365-3649 (or the number listed in the Class Description) to register, and to confirm the class location.

Alzheimer’s Caregiver Support Group:

1st Thursday of the month. 11-12 pm
This group meets in the main hospital building, on the East Crispe Porch, next to the cafeteria.]
Facilitated group focused on the challenges of caring for people with dementia/Alzheimer’s. Led by Grace Cottage RN Care Coordinator Claire Bemis. Free. More info: 802- 365-3763.

Strong Bones:

Meets twice weekly. Four choices:
M/W: 9 – 10 am (new, starting April 14)
M/W: 11 – noon
M/W 4 – 5 pm
T/TH: 11 – noon
A popular strength and balance class for adults.  Exercise in a circle group setting and socialize too! Free. Clean, soft-soled shoes required. Pre-registration required: 802-365-3649.

Tai Chi for Fall Prevention:

Fridays 9- 10 am
Fun classes focus on developing balance, strength, and flexibility. Classes are offered in 6-week series. Certified Instructor: Pam Coburn, PTA. Free. Call to save your space in the next series: 802-365-3649.