
Fall Prevention Program Offered

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It’s true that advancing age increases one’s risk of falling, but falling does not have to be a normal part of aging. If you or someone you know has fallen or had an “almost” fall, then Grace Cottage’s Fall Prevention Program may be beneficial.

The Fall Prevention Program begins with an initial assessment to determine one’s risk factors, the issues that are most likely to lead to a fall. Licensed professionals, including a physical therapist, an occupational therapist and a pharmacist, gather information about any previous falls, any changes in medication, and potential hazards in the home.

The assessment also involves taking a pertinent medical history, evaluating mobility, sensation, and cognitive ability, and conducting a series of simple movements to test balance, muscle strength, and gait. This initial assessment takes about 2 ½ hours, and if any needs are identified, a treatment plan will be developed.

Participants need a referral from a primary care provider or other physician. The risk assessment summary and any treatment plans that are developed will be sent to the referring provider so that he or she will be fully informed and involved. Most insurance carriers will cover fall risk assessments and fall prevention therapeutic visits.

To learn more about the Grace Cottage Fall Prevention Program, or to make an appointment, call 802-365-3637.