Our Vision for the Future

We will provide personalized, competent and accessible primary care, rehabilitation, wellness, prevention, inpatient care, and emergency services. Health care delivered at Grace Cottage will be safe, timely, efficient, effective, equitable, and patient-centered.

We will focus on preventive care that serves to preserve and prolong the well-being of our community. For individuals with chronic diseases, our array of community-focused staff will work in partnership with our patients to ensure optimal health and prevent further disability.

We will collaborate with other agencies that share our goal of optimum wellness for our community to enable us to meet the needs of the entire person. These will include our local, regional and state education, social service and mental health providers at a minimum. Staff will secure individual and foundation funding to develop and evaluate new models of care delivery that provide unique solutions to our community’s goal of wellness for all citizens.

Our physical campus and the technology within will be structured and maintained so that the facilities are appropriately functional, accessible, and comforting.

Our community will embrace Grace Cottage as a welcoming resource for health and wellness. The diversity and culture of our region will be reflected in all we do. Those who work, or volunteer, at Grace Cottage will be high performers in their area of expertise and embrace ongoing learning as a key value of our organization.

We will endeavor to listen to all who have concerns and suggestions for the improvement of our services, whether they be patients, staff, members of the broader Grace Cottage community, or policy makers. Our actions will be transparent with the goal of encouraging the community to be engaged in our work to find the best services to meet their current and future needs. For broader audiences who don’t yet know of Grace Cottage’s good work, we will reach out to them and invite them to consider receiving care at our center.

Our staff and management will be vigilant in adapting to new models for care, policy, payment affiliation, and technology to enhance our current and future service needs. Staff will use data and evidenced-based medicine to support evaluation of current operations and recommend future directions.

Grace Cottage’s Board will review at least annually progress towards service enhancement and improvement goals and consider recommendations for new programs, all with a responsibility to be financially viable.

Adopted January, 2016